Contact sports are not only hard when it comes to practicing and preparing, but also when it comes to recovering from injuries.
In the field of physical therapy, hearing “contact sports” is immediately thinking of dislocations.
This is occurs when a bone slips out of its joint.
First, we find the shoulder dislocation. It occurs when the humerus and scapula stop meeting and articulating.
The main symptom is intense pain. In addition, when changing the position of the bones, an excessive bulge is noticed.
Sometimes the inflammation pinches some of the nerves that run down to the hand, which can cause tingling and numbness in the fingers.
If the dislocation also includes torn ligaments, the possibility of surgery will have to be evaluated.
However, the greatest danger of this injury is that the injury becomes repetitive, as 30% of shoulder dislocations return.
Secondly, we have the patella luxation. It implies the exit of the patella from its anatomical place. At the moment when it happens, it is a priority to readjust the patella as soon as possible.
As well as, the use of anti-inflammatories, apply cold and elevate the member.
It is usually caused by a trauma on the supporting foot, in which there is a very abrupt turn of the body.
In this type of dislocation, surgery is required in case of detecting breaks or damage to the cartilage, also in case the knee is unstable.
Finally, the ankle dislocation. It is even more painful than its fracture, since it is common for the ligaments to break completely.
This causes the joint to fill with fluid and blood, increasing pain and functional impotence.
At the moment, it should be reduced as soon as possible and anti-inflammatories administered. Then it should be evaluated if surgery is necessary.
It is a complicated injury, because it is difficult to regain stability to carry body weight.
It is vitally important to have the help and advice of a professional physiotherapist. Avoiding injuries of this type is only possible with proper care and prevention, which only a professional can provide.
Contact us and start working on taking care of your body to reap great successes.